Who we are

Quality policy

EJIE undertakes to deploy and update a management system that facilitates the achievement of the following objectives:

Meet the applicable requirements

Ensure compliance with the requirements applicable to the services, including both the needs and expectations of the client entities and the normative or regulatory requirements.

  • Reach 100% of the service levels agreed with clients.
  • Achieve or exceed the level of satisfaction of the client entities established according to the results and variability of the previous three years and the strategic and business needs.
  • Achieve or maintain a high level of compliance with process objectives, established according to the performance and variability of their results, and the strategic and business needs.

Continuously improve the management system

Ensure continuous improvement of the management system processes, increasing both its maturity and its ability to produce the expected results.

  • Maintain a high rate of net improvement, continuously improving the efficiency of processes and exceeding the percentage of key indicators that improve results over those that worsen.
  • Achieve or maintain a high level of maturity of the processes established based on the evaluation and variability of the previous three years and the strategic and business needs.

Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad
Ejie Certificaciones de calidad