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Development Methodology


Technical documentation of interest to current and potential suppliers and to the ICT sector in general.

ARINbide is a practical development methodology for the full information systems life cycle.

It systematises the activities to be carried out in the application development projects, standardises the deliverables to be obtained and suggests the appropriate techniques to perform them.

Until version 3.0, ARINbide only included a life cycle for projects with a traditional or predictive approach, taking the Spanish Government’s MÉTRICA version 3 methodology as the benchmark. With this new version ARINbide adds an adaptive or agile approach now based on the combined application of Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) to the models it supports.

Assessing the needs and objectives established for this process and establishing the most appropriate approach is an indispensable step before initiating any project: ARINbide-predictive or ARINbide-adaptive.

ARINbide ARINbide 4.0 document in ZIP format with basic considerations to select the most appropriate approach.


Software Engineering (SWE)

In its main software engineering process (SWE) it describes and normalises the sequence of phases and activities to be carried out in the information system manufacturing process and the deliverables to be obtained from each. In this area ARINbide includes performance of the following phases:

  • User Requirement Catalogue (URC) (Information System Analysis differentiated process - ISA)
  • System analysis (ISA)
  • System Design (SYD)
  • Construction of the system (CSY)
  • Implementation and acceptance of the system (IAS)

The life cycle described in the ARINbide development methodology is aligned and complemented over time with the Probamet corporate test methodology. The latter focusses on the specification of all activities related to planning, definition and execution of the various types of test.

Software Engineering Document in ZIP format

ARINbide also manages the following processes side-by-side with the main process, software engineering.

Project Management (PRM)

This process encompasses the planning, monitoring and control of activities and human and material resources involved in the development of an information system.

Project Management Document in formato ZIP

Project Risk Management (PRM)

This process involves prevention and mitigation of project risks by means of risk identification and analysis and planning, recording and control of the associated measures.

Risk Management Document in ZIP format Configuration Management (COM)

Configuration Management (COM)

This process determines how the integrity and traceability of the quality of software and documentary products will be maintained throughout the life cycle.

Configuration Management Document in ZIP format.

Information System Maintenance (ISM)

Provides the management model based on a Service Level Agreement for maintenance of applications once they have been deployed.

Information Systems Maintenance Document in ZIP format.

ARINbide also provides templates to enable preparation of the deliverables of all the methodological processes and an annex with the basic concepts and techniques to be used.

Document Document templates in ZIP format.

Annex of basic concepts and techniques in ZIP format.


Project Management and Software Engineering

ARINbide’s project management process adopts the methodological framework proposed by Scrum and adds suggestions from Extreme Programming (XP) for software engineering tasks:

  • The roles involved in the project are identified
  • The phases, activities and tasks:
    • Preparation or Sprint 0
    • Iterations or Successive Sprints
  • The artifacts to be managed are described
  • And the documentary deliverables to be generated

The description of the methodology is accompanied by a document with basic concepts on the agile systems Scrum and XP.

Methodology document and annex with basic concepts in ZIP format.

A series of reference templates is also provided for the creation of documentary deliverables.

Document templatesin ZIP format.


Web Accessibility: Toolbars to examine web pages manually for a wide variety of accessibility.
Name Description Links
AWA Ais Web Accessibility is a toolbar developed to help users to examine web pages manually for a wide variety of accessibility questions.
WDE WDE Web Developer is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox browser consisting of a toolbar developed to help browse web pages manually while displaying a wide variety of accessibility questions.
DB Management: Tools for management, display and encryption of databases, mainly Oracle
Name Description Links
Oracle SQL Developer Graphic tool for database development based on Oracle. It enables display and management of database objects, execution of SQL statements and SQL scripts and edits and debugs PL/SQL statements. It also enables execution of reports already provided or created by the user. SQL Developer simplifies and improves productivity when developing applications based on Oracle databases.
Oracle Express Oracle local database engine.
Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Database Manager System.
Design and modeling: Tools for software system design and construction
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Enterprise Architecht CASE tool for design and construction of software systems. Enables definition and management of UML model creation.
Pencil Prototyping tool
Tools to assist editing, designing and managing images
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GIMP Image editor with functions and features similar to Adobe Photoshop or Corel Photopaint.
Development assistance tools: Tools that assist construction of an information system
Name Description Links
XMLSpy Altova XMLSpy is a standard in the development environment for modeling, editing, debugging and transforming all XML technologies. For this reason XMLSpy is ideal for J2EE, .NET and database developers who use these technologies.
Firebug Firebug is a Mozilla Firefox add-on created and designed for website developers and programmers. It is a utility package for instantaneous inline analysis (check loading speed, DOM structure), editing, monitoring and debugging of a website’s source code, CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
Fiddler Fiddler is an http debugging proxy that traces all traffic between the unit in which it is installed and the network. It enables traffic inspection, addition of rupture points, resending requests, etc. Can be integrated with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc.
KeyToolIUI Graphic tool for handling cryptographic formats. (Certificates, keystores, signatures, various code formats).
Xolido Sign Application for digital signature/sealing of all types of documents to ensure that nobody can modify them after editing by the authorised user.
Bluefish HTML Editor for prototyping and website creation.
Notepad++ Text and source: code editor that supports various programming languages. SoapUI Testing tools for web services. It enables performance of functional testing, loading, mock webservices, integration with code generation tools, etc. through a graphic interface. Written in Java, it is a multi-platform application integrable with the most common Java IDEs (eclipse, netbeans e IntelliJ).
SoapUI Herramientas para testeo de servicios web. Permite la realización de tests funcionales, de carga, simulación de servicios web (mock webservices), integración con herramientas de generación de código, etc. Todo a través de una interfaz gráfica. Escrito en java, multiplataforma e integrable en los IDEs más comunes(eclipse, netbeans e IntelliJ).
Bluegriffon HTML editor for website creation and prototyping
Versioning: Tools for version control and application repository
Name Description Links
Subversion Very powerful, usable and flexible scalable open-source version control system designed to replace CVS. To do so it provides functions similar to CVS, preserves its development criteria and solves the main defects of CVS.
Tortoise SVN Free open source client for the Subversion versioning control system. Developed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Incident management: Tools for recording, controlling and managing incidents generated in a development
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Mantis A powerful, flexible web application for registration and management of bugs.

J2EE Tools

Tools to assist J2EE development: Tools that assist construction of an information system developed in J2EE
Name Description Links
iReport Designer A tool for generating reports.
JDK Official development kit for Java programming language.
Weblogic 8 Application server.
Weblogic 11 Application server.
Name Description Links
Eclipse Helios A tool for the development of Java and J2EE applications (development IDE) for WLS 10.3.5 and WLS 8 environments
Json Editor Plugin A plugin for inspecting and parsing data in JSON format.
QuickREx An assistance plugin that helps to create regular expressions.
JD-Eclipse Eclipse plugin for Java decompilation
UDA Plugin A corporate plugin for fast application development
FindBugs Eclipse plugin for detecting Java code errors.
OEPE (Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse) A free plug-in suite that enables WebLogic developers to work with Java EE and Standard Web Services. Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse enables the development of Java SE, Java EE, Web Service and Standard databases. Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse enables development of Java SE, Java EE, Web Services, XML, and Spring databases.
Subversive The Subversive project assists integration of Subversion for Eclipse. The installed plugin provides the capacity to work with CVS. Provides the capacity to use the Subversion repositories in much the same way as repositories in CVS, using the CVS plugin that comes with the standard Eclipse distribution.
Checkstyle A development tool that enables programmers write Java code attached to established coding standards, making it easy to automate the process of checking the code they have generated.
PMD PMD is a static code verification and auditing tool based on a set of parameterizable rules that enables detection of potential errors in applications.
Junit A Java package used to automate test processes. JUnit will perform unitary tests of the code. It creates its own tests.
Code quality and unitary tests: Testing of the quality of information systems developed in J2EE
Name Description Links
BadBoy A powerful tool designed to aid testing and development of web applications. It enables testing of the website on the basis of creation of run scripts with dozens of features including a simple, easily used and logical interface through the capture and repetition methods. It is a great help for the load test with detailed reports, charts, etc.
Sonar Tool for validation of software quality. Provides a dashboard for viewing quality metrics.
TestLink Test management tool. It enables the creation of different testing projects, managing the test plan, requirements, test cases and defects and analysis of the results.
Portal SQA EJIE’s corporate web application for managing and displaying results of the SQA Model.
JMeter Apache JMeter is a loader tool designed to perform performance testing and functional testing on web applications.
SoapUI Automation of web services testing with SoapUI
Selenium Automation of web application testing. Useful for generating navigation scripts for a website.
Jenkins A tool for task integration and automation. It automates the deployment and compilation of applications and the test run on the server, in this case from the point of view of the SQA model.
Continuous integration
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Jenkins A tool for task integration and automation. It automates the deployment and compilation of applications and the test run on the server, in this case from the point of view of continuous integration.
APPLICATION MONITORING: Testing the performance of information systems developed in J2EE
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HP Diagnostics HP Diagnostics enables performance analysis of a Java application, providing information about performance issues and helping to reduce resolution time and work.
Library and debug management
Name Description Links
Maven A repository of libraries and utilities for downloading and publication
Archiva A tool with graphic interface for management of own repositories (departmental or horizontal applications)

Herramientas .net

Tools for .NET development assistance: Tools that assist construction of an information system developed in .NET
Name Description Links
Visual Studio .NET Integrated .NET development environment
AnkhSVN A plug-in for Visual Studio for working from local development station with Subversion version repository.
DotPeek Decompiler for .NET
NET code quality: Tools for testing the quality of information systems developed in. NET
Name Description Links
NUnit Alternative to JUnit for .Net. Enables unitary tests to be run on any .Net language.

Annexes to the Technical Specifications

Annexes to the Technical Specifications
Name Description Links
Tools List of the application life cycle tools selected and certified by EJIE
NORA NORA is the horizontal corporate location data system that responds to departmental requirements
Payment Gateway The Basque Government’s Payment Gateway is a common infrastructure that enables all public authorities to incorporate digital payment into their online and face-to-face procedures
Platea Platea An overview of the common systems and modules constructed in the basic Technology Infrastructure project for the Basque Government’s e-Administration (hereinafter PLATEA), use of which is mandatory for development of applications related to the mechanisation of file processing procedures
Software system development standards Software development process standardisation.
Manual of Ant tasks These documents encompass some of the tasks related to Apache Ant and the specification of the new Ant tasks currently created in the development environment improvement proposal.
UDA application development tool UDA is a set of tools, technologies, components and functional and technical regulations that enables the process of building JEE applications to be accelerated and regulated
Software system quality standards Standardisation of the basic model for quality assurance of software products incorporated into the Basque Government's Technological Standards. The document defines the activities to be carried out for these purpose (NAC indicators, quality controls, and testing methodology) and fosters contracting of quality offices to carry out said QA.

Quality assurance

SQA Model

The Software Systems Quality Assurance Model, or SQA Model, is the frame of reference that encompasses all activities related to product quality assurance throughout the development and testing life cycle. It is based on IEEE quality standards and good practices from the CMMI-ACQ model.

The activities related to Quality Assurance aim to ensure the satisfaction of both the organisation and users. Quality must be treated proactively throughout the software development life cycle in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of development teams.

In general terms the software product quality assurance model - SQA Model - consists of:

  • Assignment of the QAL value (quality assurance level) associated with the project
  • Drawing up the project SQA Plan, defining the quality assurance activities to be carried out during the life cycle depending on the NAC associated with the project
  • The defined quality assurance implementation process activities aligned with the ARINBIDE development methodology, implicitly fulfilling the PROBAMET testing methodology
  • Standard quality indicators and their allowed thresholds.

SQA Model main document in ZIP format

Quality indicator documents in ZIP format

Probamet testing methodology

Documentation of the PROBAMET test methodology that establishes the model to be followed regarding the testing process of a software product, analysing all phases that comprise the application life cycle in detail and describing, for each one with regard to tests, the activities to be performed and the entry and exit documentation of which they consist. This corporate methodology is fully aligned with the ARINBIDE development methodology.

PROBAMET describe todas las actividades de pruebas del producto software y se divide en las siguientes fases:

  • PROBAMET describes all testing activities of the software product and is divided into the following phases:
    • Test planning and monitoring (TPM)
    • Test planning (TPM1)
    • Test monitoring (TPM2)
  • Test analysis and design (TAD)
  • Running tests (RTS)

PROBAMET main document in ZIP format

Technological standards

This document includes the specifications and technical requirements for the services deployed by the Basque Government in the of new technologies field in accordance with the strategic objectives established in the Information Technology and Telecommunications Plan.

Technology standards document

PLATEA Certifications

One of the functions of the Management of the Basque Government's Information and Communications Technologies is to approve technology standards that contain the technical specifications and requirements the Basque government's new technology related services rely on. The technology standards set out a number of common standards, products and infrastructures that are seen as corporate wide or central that the information systems of the independent departments/bodies within the Basque government rely on.

To ensure the staff involved in developing the products or professional services required by EJIE have the technical skills they need, a number of certifications related with using the corporate systems and platforms defined in the technology standards of the Basque government have been created. Specifically, there are certifications in the fields of development, quality assurance and the corporate platform for digital administration.

The certifications will be awarded by Tecnalia and the training to obtain the certifications will also be done by them.

Two certification categories, analyst and developer, have been created for all of the following specialisations.

  • PLATEA-Tramitación infrastructure for electronic services
  • PLATEA-Internet infrastructure for internet presence
  • Integration infrastructure
  • Dokusi integral document management system
  • Geremua J2EE framework
  • UDA JEE framework
  • SQA model – Quality