Next Generation Funds
EJIE, as the technological management body of the Basque Government that facilitates the digitization of public services. It is a beneficiary of European resources from the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the following components and investment lines:
Investment 3. Digital transition in the water sector
Through this investment, actions will be implemented to monitor and control the public hydraulic domain, develop water control systems, monitor rainfall in watersheds and on the coast and to improve meteorological observation and monitoring and the prevention of climate risks, which complement the development of forecasting and warning systems for the population.
Investment 2: Digitalisation tractor projects of the central government administration
There are six initiatives for the digital transformation of the health, justice, public employment services, social security administrations, migration and inclusion policies, and consulates, and a launchpad for tractor projects in the ministries of the interior, defence, agriculture and consumption.
EJIE-015-2024. Suministro y puesta en marcha de puesto de trabajo para el Red Sectorial de Justicia
EJIE-043-2024. Contratación del sistema de información “Avantius Sistema de Gestión de Justicia”
Investment 3: Digital transformation and modernization of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and the Civil service, the National Health Service, and of the administration of the Autonomous Communities and the local authorities
An investment that addresses modernization projects within the scope of the General Government Administration and the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities and Local Entities. This includes the Personalized Digital Health Care Plan, which is part of the Vanguard Health PERTE strategic projects.
EJIE-085-2022. Servicios de Commissioning Management de la reingeniería del CPD de Ejie
EJIE-104-2022. Servicios Profesionales para la Renovación del Puesto de Trabajo de OSAKIDETZA
EJIE-127-2023. Reingeniería del CPD de EJIE y Dirección Facultativa de obra
EJIE-145-2023. Servicios de consultoría y asistencia técnica para el plan proyectos NIRE
EJIE-158-2023. Suministro de plataforma hardware para entrenamiento de modelos de IA
Investment 2: Strengthening connectivity in centers of reference, socio-economic drivers and sectoral digitalization projects
Actions to strengthen connectivity in reference centers in industrial parks and logistics centers as well as actions for the gigabit society and support for sectoral digitization advancement projects.
EJIE-098-2022. Suministros y Servicios para la ampliación de electrónica de red para Justizia
EJIE-131-2022. Suministros y servicios para la renovación de la infraestructura de red de HAZI
EJIE-042-2023. Suministro e instalación de equipos de CPD/Core para la red de datos del DSGV
EJIE-030-2024. Suministro e instalación de switches para la red de datos de los CPD de EiTB
EJIE-051-2024. Suministros y Servicios para la renovación de la infraestructura de red de Euskotren
Investment 3: Increased capacities to respond to health crises
Strengthening of surveillance capacities, early detection and rapid response to health crises, provision of sufficient supplies in the event of any critical situation, strengthening the capacities of laboratories and health institutions, as well as the evaluation of the performance of the National Health System during the pandemic.
EJIE-030-2022. Servicio Consultoría de la Red de Vigilancia en Salud Pública de Euskadi
Investment 1: Transversal digital skills
Transversal digital skills: includes (i) the development of a network of support centers for digital training, (ii) specific digital inclusion actions (general dissemination and awareness-raising campaign, campaign to promote technological humanism, Digital Plan for teaching and disseminating of Spanish culture and language abroad), (iii) training actions for digital citizenship and (iv) a program to promote women's digital training and scientific-technological vocations in school.
Investment 1: Digital Transformation in Education
Digital Transformation in Education: includes (i) The digitalisation plan and digital skills plan of the education system, whose key activities are providing portable devices to reduce the digital access gap for students and vulnerable groups, and installing and maintaining interactive digital systems in schools. (ii) The digital training plan, which focuses on developing spaces for training in digital skills in demand by production sectors and accrediting digital skills acquired through work experience.
EJIE-016-2024. Suministro de ordenadores portátiles para el alumnado de Formación Profesional
Investment 1: Reskilling and upskilling people in the labour force in relation to professional qualifications with four major areas of measures:
- Recognition and accreditation of basic and professional skills
- Modular digital programme for working people
- Increasing the flexibility and accessibility of professional training by creating “Mentor Classrooms”
- Modular training aimed at reskilling and upskilling working people and people seeking work.
EJIE-130-2024. Contratación del Servicio Evolutivo de la Aplicación GAITUZ
Investment 2: Plan for the Modernization of Social Services - Technological transformation, innovation, training and strengthening childcare
Comprehensive programs for the introduction of new technologies for the improvement of information systems and management of social services will be implemented. A training program aimed at technical personnel of the Public Social Services System will be addressed.
EJIE-060-2023. Servicio de Análisis de Gizarte Plus